Tag Archives: kubiko


IMG_3122 Kubiko is an enchanting game in which you rearrange pixel cubes to make up lego-like figurines.

Each of the game’s 40 levels starts with a confusing mesh of blocks which you’ll have to crank and turn (similar to a rubix cube) into a recognisable shape. You’ll only have a limited number of moves to complete the object, and failing to do so will result in the blocks zipping back to starting position. Or square one, I should say (HA).

Kubiko gets tricky quickly. Without the ability to turn the object you’ll often have to magic up a mental image of the structure you’re trying to reach, before you’re even sure what is yet. The app’s developers claim the game improves 3D perception and concentration, although the game seems more akin to a quick bit of fun than gruelling Brain Training escapade.


Forcing yourself not to just trial-and-error your way through is tough, however. The game only give you a few moves, but often piecing out the correct combination of swipes merely requires experimentation. You want to focus on not doing that, as fewer moves used ends in a higher score. Still, if your lack of perceptual ability are driving you to distraction, the game can offer you a handy hint or two.

Across the game’s 5 chapters you’ll make up the faces and bodies of all kinds of creatures, humans, and miscellaneous stuff, from elephant to Albert Einstein. Ending up with a completed image is rewarding simply from the charming cubic look alone.

Kubiko strips 3D perception puzzling to it’s simple core. If you want a slightly less involved Monument Valley that still offers a quick fix, look no further.

Kubiko is out now on iOS. Developer: Zedarus Entertainment Ltd. Website

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